Stages of a wastewater treatment system project?

Stages of a wastewater treatment system project?






Step 1 – Survey

Is the step of loading the input information to launch a project. In addition to collecting technical information, it is necessary to understand the need to go through with customers in the following stages. The data to be collected in this step include:

  • Information on industries, production scale, activities and origin of waste water.
  • Properties of sewage inlet or sample (if any) and wastewater oscillation cycle.
  • Nature and characteristics of construction ground
  • Requirements and wishes of the Owner
  • The influential external factors such as: Government agency, geographical location, regional culture ...

Surveying and collecting information should be updated and exchanged continuously with the Owner so as not to miss important data.

Step 2 – Information analysis

The information from the survey was analyzed by engineers and experts of the consulting unit to choose the solution. The most important factors to consider include:

  • Quality, flow, discharge cycle of input wastewater

If wastewater is already in place, the wastewater sample should be taken at the probability and taken to the Vilas standard environmental analysis room. Along with quantitative water quality analysis, water quality is also assessed by analyzing the production process, input materials of the 

production process to give an accurate conclusion about waste water properties.

  • Site conditions, geographic location, soil properties, construction conditions of the system construction location

Step 3 – Choose tecnology

There are 2 ways to choose technology

  • Select technology through projects of a similar nature before.
  • Choose from the pilot model, evaluate the effectiveness, suitability of the model and provide optimal technology.

Step 4 – Technology calculation

The process of calculating components in the entire system is used by software and TCVNs. The result of the calculation is to give parameters for treatment tanks and processing equipment in the treatment system. This phase minimizes wasteful redundancy design or may be a mistake in the process of building solutions.

Step 5 – Site planning

From the calculation and survey of information, the designer makes a suitable plan. Some examples are: construction of a sinking tank or floating tank, landscape where the system is built, the need to use the premises of the investor after building the system, the water supply and drainage plan before and after the treatment ...

Step 6 – Select equipment and construction plans

After the calculation, set the parameters for the equipment, based on the needs of the investors as well as the financial limit to select the product lines suitable for the project.

Step 7 – Estimated investment costs

Investment costs are completed and managed by file

Step 8 – Showing solutions

Technology solutions, drawings and quotes are sent to the Owner to receive feedback.

Step 9 - Negotiate and put the project schedule, detailed technical plan.

After the Investor agrees with the consultant's plan, the following procedures are completed to be able to carry out the construction.

Step 10 - Prepare site, equipment, people and construction.

Step 11 - Acceptance test in each stage

Step 12 - Operation test and technology transfer training

The construction unit is put into trial operation and before handing over, the user is trained to transfer specific technology to facilitate operation and use later.

Step 13 - Acceptance and handover of the system

After completion of acceptance and use, the two parties will conduct the handover and warranty of the system as agreed.