What’s the wastewater and why need a wastewater treatment system ?

What’s the wastewater and why need a wastewater treatment system ?


What’s the wastewater and why need a wastewater treatment system ? 


Wastewater is water discharged after being used, or created in a technological process, and is no longer directly valid for that process.

Sorting by origin, wastewater includes main types below: 

  • Domestic wastewater
  • Industrial wastewater
  • Industrial zone wastewater
  • Urban wastewater

Wastewater quality indicators:                                                             

  • Biochemical oxygen demand BOD
  • Chemical oxygen demand COD
  • Total suspended solids TSS
  • Total dissolved solids TDS
  • Amonia NH4+
  • Nito T-N
  • Phospho T-P
  • Coliform
  • Metals

For a factory, an industrial zone, a building or an urban area ... Wastewater is a part of productive activities. Having a wastewater treatment system is necessary because an effective wastewater treatment system will help reduce the harmful effects of wastewater on the environment as well as avoid penalties or legal forms of State organization for waste discharge facilities. In Vietnam, the government is and will further tighten environmental protection mechanisms through specific legal forms.

Currently, the set of documents applied to the assessment of the quality of output wastewater being used is "QCVN" issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment with each type of wastewater.